This research study is aimed at exploring the current situations of information literacy
promotion for undergraduate students of Rajabhat Universities. Content analysis
technique, annual reports, self-assessment reports and 38 websites of the universities and
libraries were collected as the main data sources. For semi-structured interviews, the key
informants, selected by the purposive sampling method included 10 library
directors/librarians who were responsible for information literacy promotion. The
instruments used for collecting data were a content analysis form and an interview form.
Qualitative data was analyzed and synthesized using thematic analysis approach whereas
quantitative data analysis covers the frequency and the percentage. As a result, for all
Rajabhat Universities, the term ‘information literacy’ was not explicitly incorporated in the
university policies, philosophies, visions, missions, and administrative plans. Nonetheless,
some relevant concepts were found in the documents on desired characteristics for the
graduates. All Rajabhat University libraries, however, organized surrounding
environments that enhanced learning atmosphere and were well equipped with
infrastructure on information technology. There were also internal and external links of
the internet. In most university libraries, the service section was in charge of information
literacy promotion, particularly as user education activities (97.37%) as well as Q&A and
information retrieval support services (81.58%).
All Rajabhat University libraries did not allocate budgets to promote information literacy
specifically; the activities organized by all University libraries did not cover all Standards
specified by the Association of College and Research Libraries, ACRL. Such activities
included library orientations/library tours, providing library manuals, brochures and
printed media (100%), and training sessions (94.74%). Mostly, the contents regarding
information literacy focused on Standard 2: Access the needed information effectively and
efficiently; namely, via information retrieval and on-line databases services (94.74%). The
contents also concentrated on Standard 5: Understand many of the economic, legal, and
social issues surrounding the use of information, and access and use information ethically
and legally, especially in bibliographies and references (26.31%). In Standard 3: Evaluate
information and its sources critically and incorporates selected information into one’s
knowledge base and value system, such contents were not found in the included
documents. A few Rajabhat University libraries produced a video to introduction on how to use the library (28.95%). All Rajabhat Universities had a faculty-librarian relationship
through a cooperation requested by the faculty members (81.58%), but it was not officially
stated in the policy.