This paper deals with the pattern of author productivity using Lotka’s law in national
conference proceedings. The purpose of the paper to analyses the content wise
distribution of the paper, types of document cited, pagination per articles, Number of
keywords per articles, authorship pattern of cited references and to test Lotka’s law. The
data set was created by using 31contributed papers, invited papers and abstracts were
excluded from the study. The collected data was further analyzed by using M.S. Excel and
Chi-square test is used to prove hypothesis. For this study total counting method was
apply to test Lotka's law. The findings of the study reveals 15 (48.4%) are full text
papers.50 (53.19%) of journals, magazines, and newspapers are cited followed by 21
(22.34%) of websites. 9 (60.00%) papers have the pagination of 7-12 pages, followed by
5 (33.33%) papers have the pagination of 13-18 pages. 6 (42.86%) papers are used 3
keywords, followed by 4 (28.57%) papers are used 4 keywords. cited references of single
author are 26(49.06%) followed by the cited references of two authors are 14 (26.42%).
the pattern of author productivity is tested by using Lotka's law. The number of
publications by each author of the cited references which received equal credit by total
counting method. Chi-square test is used to test the hypothesis and used to verify the
applicability of Lotka's law. The result shows that Chi-square value was highly significant
and Lotka's law was not applicable to this data.