“WOW” (Weeks Of Welcome) is a great way to engage students with library staff and to originate
memories linked to positive feelings of accessible services and friendly people in the library.
Orientation week is an exciting and high energy time of millennial generation born in between
1980 – 2000. They bring new challenges for todays’ librarians (Wheeler and Harris, 2006), they
have and share their opinions rapidly via modern technologies.
According to the Collins Concise Dictionary (Collins English Dictionary, 2017) “Orientation” means
the adjustment or alignment of oneself of one’s ideas to surroundings or circumstances. At the
beginning of the academic year of the freshers, the faculty coordinators of the orientation
programmes lead activities which based on simplicity, relax, confidence and fulfillment. However
these programmes provide opportunities for freshers to approach the campus with a very good
first impression.
The major role of the library is to make aware of the users of the use of existing resources and
services. Further the library leads them to get the utmost benefit during this Library Orientation
Programme (LOP). These Programmes improve the Information Literacy (IL) of the students too.
The UNESCO says that the Orientation Programmes of the library supports to its users in various
ways in enabling individuals to achieve his or her goals, develop knowledge and potential and
participate fully in community and wider society (UNESCO, 2005). Through the Orientation
Programme the user fulfills his or her information gaps when is needed and it enables users to
master content and extend their investigations, become far more self-directed, assume greater
control over their own learning. (Association of Collage and Research Libraries, 2000).
The academic library becomes a market – oriented organism and they become hybrid libraries to
familiarize the academic learning environment in e-information era. According to the Cal Poly
Pomona experience (2015), one of their mission statements of orientation services is “preparing
students for lifelong learning” with the goal of connecting students to valuable support resources.
Hence the Orientation programmes are designed to help students adjust to university life and
ultimately improve retention rates, graduation rates and grade point averages.
In 2005, (Wheeler and Harris, 2006) Swarthmore College developed a winning freshman
orientation programme and they continue to date. They assess freshman orientation and conclude
with best practices for developing dynamic orientation programmes that provide millennial with
a positive first impression of the academic library. Librarians are searching for ways to effectively
market and promote library resources and services. Rhoades and Hartsell (2008) discussed in their research paper that being a part of the orientation programme allows librarians to reach
students they might not be able to reach in any other context.
Based on the views as part of the new students’ orientation, scheduled to showcase the Library
services, spaces and collections of Wayamba University of Sri Lanka (WUSL) while having a lot of
fun (Thusithakumari and Jayawardana, 2017) University libraries are given opportunities to tempt
first year students to the library and its services. Often having one chance to ‘WOW’ the new
comers, the librarians of the Wayamba University Library Network (WULN) have discovered a way
of achieving a victorious extension and advanced programme for first year students.
Dramatically over the past few years the research based on “Study on Orientation as a strategy for
making great first impression of the academic library: Library Orientation ideas of Wayamba
University of Sri Lanka” (Thusithakumari and Jayawardana, 2014) and it was advanced including
different ideas with the new orientation programmes. These programmes are set to suit with the
interest and expectations of the users. Therefore, WULN looks to provide a comfortable and
productive learning environment for their patrons addressing the concept of “Library anxiety”.
Library anxiety is the feeling of un-comfortableness within a library setting that has repercussion
on a cognitive and behavioral level (Jiao & Onwuegbuzie, 1995).