Healthcare systems worldwide have grappled with rising rates of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), an ageing population, and escalating healthcare expenditures. NCDs have been the leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, accounting for over 80% of deaths in Sri Lanka. Ageing is an inevitable process characterized by progressive functional decline, making it crucial to discover methods to improve the well-being of the elderly and promote healthy ageing. Therapeutic strategies in various medical systems primarily focus on preventive and curative approaches. In Siddha medicine, a unique therapeutic technique called Kayakatpam, a promotive and rejuvenate approach, addresses methods and medicines for longevity and enhancing innate health. It improves the lifespan; delays ageing and, enhances cognitive abilities. Essentially, Kayakatpam nourishes the three integral components: Mind, Body, and Soul. Kayakatpam involves herbs and herbo-mineral combinations, along with animal products, Pranayamam (breathing exercises), and Yogam. These are recommended for normal individuals to boost immunity, promote general health, prevent ailments (Pothu katpam), and aid to recover from specific diseases (Sirappu katpam).This review article focused on Kayakatpa medicines and methods which were easily accessible, simple to practice, and cost-effective for daily living. They primarily demonstrated antioxidant and immune-modulatory attributes in their medicinal functions. This approach gains even more insights with the increasing medical expenses in today’s world, and contributes to the prevention and management of non-communicable diseases and geriatric care through its unique rejuvenating properties and the habits it advocates for delaying ageing-related changes and complications in the elderly. A deeper exploration of the topic of Kayakatpam has the potential to lead to breakthrough in combating various diseases and promote healthy living with ageing.