dc.description.abstract |
A well- functioning financial system is fundamental to a modern economy, and banks perform important functions for
society. In carrying out their function’s banks are exposed to several types of risks. Such as credit risk, market risk, liquidity
risk, operational risk, legal risk and reputation risk. While banks and other have faced difficulties for a multitude of reasons,
credit risk is the most common cause of bank failures. Hence managing credit risk and having a profitable loan portfolio
is importance for the wellbeing of any bank. This study attempts to explore the determinants of loan performance of Banks
in Batticaloa District: a consumer perspective. Quantitative research approach was used for this study were obtained from
bank loan users in Batticaloa District. Primary data had been practiced by this study. Questionnaire (Tamil) was used to
collect the data and convenient sampling method was used to obtain 100 respondents from the bank clients. The data
were analyzed using descriptive statistic, correlation and regression analysis. The findings indicate that there are good
reliability and high-level loan performance of selected private and state commercial banks in Batticaloa District. And also,
the results showed that there is a strong positive relationship between credit term, client appraisal, credit risk controls and
collection policy on loan performance. The results of the study are helpful for the bank management to focus on these
explanatory variables used in the study so that the performance of the loan may be enhanced. |
en_US |