Voices Of The East -Citizen dialogues aftermath of the restoration of civilian administration in the East of Sri Lanka

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dc.contributor.author M, Mamangarajah
dc.contributor.author K, Premakumar
dc.date.accessioned 2020-11-03T08:39:04Z
dc.date.available 2020-11-03T08:39:04Z
dc.date.issued 2013
dc.identifier.uri http://www.digital.lib.esn.ac.lk/handle/123456789/13845
dc.description.abstract The Election of a Eastern ProvincialCouncil and the restoration of.civ$an administration signify the Eastern Province's transition into a new era in 2009. The gnd of the war has allowed thousands of residents to return to their homes, cultivate their lands, and take an active role in community life. Eastern citizens possess great capacity for social reconciliation and economic achievement. Overall, the province is ripe for transformation from war-torn region into a prosperous province. Under "pevelopment," Agriculture is f igf,tiglrt"O as th! primary source of economic capacity bnd livelihood in the Eastern province. ln order ior agricutture to become a powerful economic force, farmers need better access to agricuitural credit, extension services, new technology, and training piogi"rr. Animal tiusOanOry can make usdof female labour and small land areas, but i"qiir", better breeding progt.*t, cheaper feed, and greater veterinary care services' lmproved infrastructure, pa*icularly the road network, is needed to facilitate commerce and transportation, and'to help bridge the divide'in resources and con0merbe between rural and urban "r""r. tndustry and bu-sineds also require greater access to market facilities and economic information to make informed entrepreneurial deciqions. lt is necessary to match improvements in livelihoods, economic opportunities and connectil{tV wt]1] :-1l1r::1 human capabilities of eastern communities that have suffered setbacks through lmprovlng access to better health and education especially in tffe rural areas, while protecting the vulnerable. For "securify, " Governance challenges endanger human..securily through ethnic prejudice among jou"tnrn"nt officia{s and'politicians, and the failure of efigaging community organizatioiri. fne reluctance of political parties to meaningfully assist with community probtem solving and the failure of government officials to sort out{conflicting property rrgi-rt claims leavei the poor and the displaced feeling egpecially rnarginalized AOOition"f fV, each of these problems tend to create feelings of ethnic inequality, and risk for the renewal of unrest. lmproved government responsiveness, accountability, and service delivery is the underlying problem in the Eastern Province. Untilthese issues are addressed, ethnic prejudice anl'poor governance will continue to silence the voibes of , en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher Eastern University Sri Lanka en_US
dc.subject Eastern Provincial Council en_US
dc.subject social reconciliation en_US
dc.subject Governance en_US
dc.subject Prejudice en_US
dc.title Voices Of The East -Citizen dialogues aftermath of the restoration of civilian administration in the East of Sri Lanka en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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