with the end of the prolonged war, the government and non-government organizations
have been highly focusing on the development of the people who were affecteo by war
not only in Batticaloa District but all over the lsland. Extended financial support for rebuilding livelihood is major component in the present development programme. women vulnerable to are most disasters and violence, and they need more support in the post-war
development' The lack of adequate financial support for women has been identified as a significant issue on the recovery of the livelihood. Qpe to financial policies and regulations, availability of collateral, etc., poor people are hardly able to borrow money from state banks and other formal financial institutions. Despite, microfinance institutiorss, such as financial non-governmental organizations and rural banks
prouia;il;;;;, support to poor with smail amounts of credit at reasonabie interest rates. -
: Even though various financialservices have been provided by severalfinancial institutions, there is little research available to show its effectiveness+The aim oi 6is siuov is to analyse the contribution of micro finance provided oy gRAc institution to the wome*n,s. livelihood in Manmunai North Divisional secretaridt division, Batticaloa District. The 10d women beneficiaries have been taken as sample for this study. This research finds lhat women can able to manage their family while they are generating income by meqps of micro credit. when they generate and contror their own '
decisions independenuy and have more power. The future.lt":ff;]?Tril:ilrffi;
be focused on micro credit in large scale as a strategy to reduce poverty through irpr.rirg the livelihood of the poor