Broiler meat consumptionin the world increases annually with the development of modern diet pattern. Saturated fatty acid content of the meat causes high risk of cardiovascular disease in human. Fish is an important source of omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease in human. However, access to food fish, which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, is questionable for many people in the world. Fortunately, studies revealed that the dietary enrichment of broiler chicken ration with omega-3 fatty acids enriched the broiler chicken meat with omega-3 fatty acids. Hence, consumption of such broiler chicken meat may supplement the scarcity of consumption of omega-3 fatty acids rich foods viz. fish. Moreover, dietary enrichment of omega-3 fatty acids improves carcass by reducing the abdominal fat deposition in broilers. However, shelf-life of broiler chicken meat that is enriched with omega3 fatty acids low due to high levels of lipid oxidation. However, usage of antioxidants improves the shelf-life of omega-3 fatty acid enriched broiler chicken meat.