Dry Fish Production in Trincomalee District: Status And Prospects

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dc.contributor.author Dayaani, Harold
dc.contributor.author Krishnal, Thirumarpan
dc.date.accessioned 2020-11-03T04:07:25Z
dc.date.available 2020-11-03T04:07:25Z
dc.date.issued 2013
dc.identifier.uri http://www.digital.lib.esn.ac.lk/handle/123456789/13808
dc.description.abstract ln.Sri Lanka, increasing population create higher food demand and scarcity of local food production. Fisheries were believed to support the livelihoods of over 10% of the population in many coastal areas directly. Fish represent a major source of animal protein in Sri Lankan diet. However, it is more susceptible to spoilage than other animal food. This study attempted to determine the socio- 6conomic status of dry fish producers, the factors affecting production of dry fish and to identify the problems in dry fish production in Trincomalee. Proportionale sampling was done and from Kinniya, Trincomalee Town and Gravets and Kuchav6ti O.S. division altogether 80 samples were collected. Results revealed that mean household size was 4.3 while average fanrily income per month was Rs.21200.00. Mean cost oJ production of dry fish wadlRs.1 52. 0g per Kg. Average seging price of dry fish 433.50 Rs/Kg. Nethali $r'y fish waiproduced in high amount due to higher demand. OLS regression results revealqd. thaFfish purchasing cost, Hired labour cost, producqr's experience in dry fish production, and household size had significant impact on income of producer. A unit increase in the producer experience will lead to 4.9%'increase in the income {p"{Ol). lf fish cost will increase by one the income wiil reduce by 1.8o/o. The rarpy peripd affected the dryin$ of fish qnd 28.75% of producers hadn't storage facilities .The results of this investigation indicaie that there are avenues to improve the dry fish production to meet the high demand.rTherefore policies should be formulated to supporl the dry fish producers to evercome4heir problems and to sustain the product en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Eastern University Sri Lanka en_US
dc.subject Income en_US
dc.subject Dry Fish en_US
dc.subject Production en_US
dc.title Dry Fish Production in Trincomalee District: Status And Prospects en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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