The hotel industry is one of the biggest earners of revenue in Sri Lanka,s current
economy' The increasing number of tourist arrivals increases the high amounts of
energy and water consumption while generating higher amounts of wi"ste. The hotel
industry is considered as one of the high energy consumers and waste generators. To
achieve sustainable growth in the hospitality industry it is want to adopt efficient
waste management with their operations. This study is assessing the waste
management practices among guesthouses in Batticaloa district. Hence, aims of this
study to explore the nature of waste management practices among guesthouses, the
determining factors and how its influencing waste management practices among
guesthouses the possible benefits and challenges faced in implementing waste
management practices among guesthouses and possible recommendations and
suggestions for the waste management practices among guesthouses in tsatticaloa
district. To find out the adoption of waste managemerrt pru"ti".s among the
guesthouses the survey was carried out among 20 guesthouses in Batticaloa district
who were interviewed using a semi-structured interview method. It is an inductive
study where the qualitative approach was undertaken, 10 guesthouses in the Batticaloa
region and 10 guesthouses in Kalkuda region. Because these two regions were
tourism cites and most of the guesthouses are located in these 2 regi.rns. collected
data were analysed using NVivo 10 through thematic analysis. According to the
findings' government influence availability of buy-back or recycling centre, fulfilling
needs' attract customers, self-intention, available of space and knowledge were the
factors that influence the adoption of waste management practices amor€ guesthouses
in Batticaloa district' At the same time, the researcher found the benefits as well as the '
challenges faced by guesthouses during the implementation of waste management
practices' Finally, the researcher recommended some strategies and mechanisms fbr
the policymakers to enhance the waste management practices among guesthouses in
Batticaloa district.