dc.description.abstract |
In today's heightened ethical awareness and increased competitive pressure, the
implications of ethical behavior for insurance companies have become a vital
determinant of customer loyalty. The purpose, "Effect of sales people ethical behavior
in customer loyalty, special reference on Batticaloa district in insurance industry." This
study is to develop a conceptual framework to investigate the relationship between
ethical sales behavior, relationship quality, and customer loyalty.
The proposed model is tested on data collected from 193 insurance customers.
Structural equation modeling technique was employed using SPSS 22.0 to verify the
reliability and validity of the Likert five-point scales and to test the hypothesized
Result indicates that ethical behavior did increase customer loyalty to the insurance
companies; yet this effect was direct and indirectly, mediated by relationship quality
(customer trust and customer commitment) to the insurance companies. Findings also
indicate that, customer trust in the insurance companies has positive effects on customer
commitment to the back. The result of this study positions customer trust and customer
commitment as the primary mechanism through which the beneficial effects of ethical
sales behavior are realized.
However, the study show that perceived ethical behavior has a major impact on the
development and maintenance of the customer-insurance company relationship.
manager, which value the critical importance of long-term relationships with their
customers, should achieve an environment where the potential for unethical behavior is
at a minimum. |
en_US |