In today's economic world. no business can afford to be uncompetitive. This situation
requires innovation to survive and grow. It is not possible to achieve an innovative
institution without satisfaction of employees. Hence, researchers have become
increasingly interested in identifying the conditions that influence employee job
satisfaction. And also empowering leader behaviors are the most important factors to
overcome competition. Empowering leader behaviors components included leading by
example, participative decision making, coaching, informing and showing
concern/interacting with the team. This study examined empowering leader behaviors
and job satisfaction from the perspective of employees in banking sector. In addition to
this, the researcher identify the level of these variable, impact and relationship between
So far lack of research has been carried out in Sri Lanka to investigate the characteristics
of empowering leader behaviors and its influence on job satisfaction of employees. [n
doing so, a survey is administered among 48 employees who are working in state banks
and 46 emplaces in private banks especially, banks in Koralaipattu & Koralaipattu
West Divisions in Batticaloa of Sri Lanka.
Researcher hypothesized and found that empowering leader behaviors (leading by,
example, participative decision making, coaching, informing and showing
concern/interacting with the team) was positively related to job satisfaction. The study
also revealed that leading by example, participative decision making, coaching,
informing and showing concern/interacting with the team have high impact on job
satisfaction. Moreover, this study found that empowering leader behaviors (leading by
example, participative decision making, coaching, informing and showing
concern/interacting with the team) has high level of job satisfaction. Further, the
findings of this study offer guidance to the banking sector looking to be lead the