In the education sector worldwide universities, schools, other education institutions
are temporarily closed. All the governments around the world establish online learning
processes due to the closure of educational institutions. In Sri Lanka schools and
universities, learning during the pandemic has most happen via online channels.
This study main objective is to identifying what factors affecting the concentration on
online laming due to covid 19 in Eastern University Sri Lanka. This study was
basically benefitting the Students, Lecturers, UGC and Administration of the
university. The findings of this study will serve as a basis for these future researchers.
With the use of the results of this study the management and students can be take
actions to improve concentration. It helps to identify what kind of factors actually
affect for the concentration on online learning. So, it will be help for the all the parties
who engage with the online learning process in the University system.
The researcher mainly studies about three affecting variables. Such as Environment at
home, Internet and social media and student's mental health a's the independent
variables and concentration on online learning as a dependent variable. In accordance
with literature review and findings, there are literature and empirical knolled
regarding the relationship and impact of Factors affecting concentration on online
laming. The data was collected from 372 respondents from six faculties in Eastern
University Sri Lanka, through survey questionnaire.
According to the research findings the researcher found there is a significant positive
impact of environment at home, internet and social media and student's mental health
on dependent variable of concentration on online learning. Therefore, null hypothesis
there is no significant positive impact between dependent and independent variable
was rejected.
According to the result the researcher found those independent variables are highly
impact on the Concentration on online learning. So, if the UGC or University
administration and Students actively involve to improve concentration everyone can
gain positive results even there is pandemic situation.