dc.description.abstract |
T'here has been much research conducted regarding developing strategies to prevent
student's dropout of schools. Although research shows that life can become very difficult
economically and socially for high school dropouts, some adults decide to return to further
their education after many years away lrom a school setting.
'fhis study was conducted in order to anslver the research questions, such as what are the
reasons for early school dropout, consequence for early school dropout, strategies to
prevent students from dropping out of school, and the control measure both parents and
teachers to prevent early school dropout?
The purpose o1' this qualitative research study was to gain an understanding of the
motivations of developing strategies to prevent student's dropout school. l'he method of
conducting this study lrom a qualitative angle was inten'iewing individuals ancl group
transcript who are currently enrolled in a developing strategies to prevent student's dropoul
school. Although not conclusive, personal experience is important to gaining an
understanding of this population and their views on the reasons that led them to developing
strategies to prevent student's dropout from school.
l'he results of this study correlated with existing literature that there are many factors that
lead to what are the reasons for early school dropout, consequence for early school dropont,
strategies to prevent students from dropping out of school, and the uontrol measure both
parents and teachers to prevent early school dropout. Because this was a qualitative study,
the individual reasons given for dropping out of school support the statistics and research
already in existence. |
en_US |