The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of organizational culture on
leadership's decision making in selected apparel firms (Carlos Embellishers (Pvt) Ltd,
New Universe Corporate Clothing (Pvt) Ltd, Mila Fashion (PRA) Ltd). Existing levels
of communication, cultural diversity, team work, learning and development, trust,
obligation and cohesion and leadership's decision making are explored as first
objective. The relationships among communication, cultural diversity, team work,
learning and development, trust, obligation and cohesion and leadership's decision
making are explored as second objective. Impact of communication, cultural diversity,
team work, learning and development, trust, obligation and cohesion on leadership's
decision making are explored as third objective. Data was collected from 308
respondents in selected apparel firms.
Findings shows that communication, cultural diversity, team. work, learning and
development, trust, obligation and cohesion and leadership's decision making had high
levels. Strong positive relationship has been identified between independent variable
(communication, cultural diversity, team work, learning and development, trust,
obligation and cohesion) and dependent variable leadership's decision making. 87.3%
variation in leadership's decision making is explained by communication, cultural
diversity, team work, learning and development, trust, obligation and cohesion. Finally,
the results derive that organizational culture positively impact on readership's decision
making in selected apparel firms.