The purpose of this thesis is to gain further underst#ding of how Social Media
Marketing Activities effect on firm's Brand Awareness, Brand Image and Brand
Loyalty. The study was conducted within the cosmetic industry in Batticaloa. The
research problem is the lack of knowledge concerning social media activities effects on
the cosmetic market in Batticaloa district. In the Sri Lanka cosmetic industry. a myriad
of cosmetic product providers are satisfied by an online presence. They rest at the fact
that they have set up company website as well as social pages and profiles with
numerous followers. But, very few organizations have online networking strategies that
seek to know their consumers and appreciate their thought patterns before purchasing'
However, they do not go deeper to investigate how they can influence their target
consumer by first understanding which social pages the frequent, what content the look
for, at which specific time and eventually what causes them to purchase the said
product. The study objectives are To identifi the level of SMMA, BL, BA and BI, To
identify the relationship between, SMMA and BA, SMMA and BI, SMMA and BL,
BA and BI, Examine the impact of SMMA on BA, BI and BL, To identify whether RA
mediate the relationship between SMMMA and BL, To identify whether BI mediate
the relationship between SMMA and BL and To identify BA mediate the relationship
between SMMA and BI. in this study, the independent variable in Social Media
Marketing Activities, the dependent variable are Brand Awareness, Brand Image and
Brand Loyalty.
This study had quantitative approach where it gathered its data through online
questionnaire from 384 respondents that were shared in community group on Whatsapp
for the brands Orifalme, Herbline, L'Oreal, Natural secrets and Janet. These chosen
brands are an active part of the chosen industry to investigate, the cosmetic industry.
The study used Univariate, Biavariate, and Regression and Mediation analysis
techniques in order to analyze the data and find the result of the objectives. The hnding
of the study showed that Social Media Marketing Activities have a positive impact on
Brand Awareness, Brand Image and Brand Loyalty. The f,rnding of this study
contributes to the grou'ing knowledge of Social Media Marketing Activities how they
effect Brand Awareness, Brand Image and Brarrd Loyalty of cosmetic brands.