In today's contorni world, no business can afford to be uncompetitive. This situation
requires innovation to survive and grow. The small and medium enterprises also face
competition in the dynamic business event. Hence, marketing performance is very
important for every small and medium enterprise to face competition. Thus, this study
investigates the relationship between need for cognition, marketing performance and
the mediating effect of the role of innovation and marketing capabilities in small and
medium enterprises in Batticaloa division. Innovation and marketing capabilities
functioned as a mediator between the two variables and the dependent variable is
marketing performance. This study eliminates the empirical knowledge gap in the
Batticaloa division area regarding this topic.
Using a structured questionnaire, the data were collected from 218 owners of selected
small and medium enterprises in Batticaloa division. And the collected data were
analyzed by using descriptive statistics, correlation, regression analyses.
In this study, the statistical too is that used to analyze the levels of variables are mean
and standard deviation values, while relationships were measured by Pearson
coefficients and linear regressions for further mediation analyses. The findings reveal
that the need for cognition, innovation and airlifting capabilities are in high level
among the respondents. And marketing performance also high level among the
respondents. The analyses stated that the positive relationship between the need for
cognition and marketing performance, the strong positive relationship between the need
for cognition, innovation and marketing capabilities and the positive relationship
between racketing performance, innovation and marketing capabilities. innovation and
marketing capabilities have been found to cast a partial mediating effect on the
relationship between need for cognition and marketing performance