dc.description.abstract |
The purpose of this study is to investigate how service innovation mediates the
relationship between knowledge creation and marketing performance in the restaurant
industry. The study takes a quantitative research approach. Data were collected from
312 respondents in restaurants in Rathnapura district, Sri Lanka. The primary data is
the main source of information used in this study. Data was collected through a well-structured online and physical questionnaire. Other information was collected through
web sites, books, articles, journals, and desk research. The convenience sampling
technique is used as a sampling method. The questionnaire consisted of five-point
Likert scale questions to analyze the relationship between the variables.
'I've infuriation obtainable teem the' structures lectionaries as anal-yield using SPSS
22.0. Consequently, the data were anall'zed usiug descriptive statistics" univariate
anal,vsis, bivariatc analysis, sinrplr and nrultipie regression analysis" ancl medialiolr
analysis. The results of the stud,v indicate tliat there is a strong positive relationship
het\.veen knotvledge .t'g31ioi1, service imovation, ancl marketing perfbnnance.
MoLeover, serl'ice irinovation has a positirre and significant effect on marketing
perlbrmance. F-urthemrore, the stucl_v findings revealed that service innovation rnediates
the relationship bet\.veen ltnorvleclgc' creation and the nrarketing pel{ornrance cllrestauraitts" Based on the results, it rvas recolmnended that rnanagement inr;est in the
creation o1' knowleclge, as this r.vill drive innovation in the organization and
subsequently lead tc higlier niarketing perfonnance.
l-he resuh indisated that a restaurant can acl'iieve a higher level ol' mar:keting
perfbrmance b.v using scrvicc innovation. because service innovation positively irnpacts
knorvleclge cleation and marketing pellbrnrance. |
en_US |