In this competitive business r.vorld satisfied employee is the prime asset of any business
organization as an enrplovee's satisfaction can ensure continuous growth. The purpose
of this research study is the impact of socio-demographic qharacteristics on nonmonetar)' factors of job satisfaction of private sector bank employees in Gampaha
district. This research examines the gender impact on job satisfaction, age impact on
non-monetary factors of job satisfaction. salary impact on non-monetary factors of job
satisfaction. education impact on job satisfaction and geographic location impact on
non-monetary factors of job satisfaction of selected private bank employees.
In this research study, primary data had been practiced by this study. A structured
questionnaire was use to as the method of data collection. The quantitative research
approach used for this study. The data were analyzed using independent sample 1 test
and one-way ANOVA analyses. This research study relies on a data set derived its
survey of 218 employees were selected out of four private sector banks: Commercial!
bank. DFCC bank. CDB bank and Sampath bank in Gampaha district.
In this study. significant impact was found between age and job satisfaction and
between education level and job satisfaction. In this study, gender. salary- and
geographic location did not show any significant impact with non-monetary factors of
job satisfaction